Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jane's class

We attended Jane's class, and learned how to make a blog. We made a blog theme "Homestay", which reflects a colourful life in Brisbane.
A million thanks to Jane.


Picture 1: Assignment

Picture 2: Joanna,Susan,Bliss and Adam

Picture3: A nice group, isn't it?

Hi, there!

Here are our blog group member photos. Look good? Our thanks go to Miss Wu Yun who took pictures for us.

Monday, November 5, 2007


We bought Mother Megan lily at the Farmer's Market.

This is the Hervey Bay Homestay livingroom.

The beer is produced by Father Ray's company.

Son Thomas plays in a baseball team. So I tried once.

Yummy! Yummy!

Hallowe'en (eve of All Saints' Day, 31 Oct.)

Susan and Joanna have lived a good life with Ray, Megan and Thomas.
This is Ray's three-generation family.

What a cute baby!

Big belly Australians in a trip to Fraser Island.

A nice beach.

Hi, there!
Looking at the photos, we cannot help thinking staying here is so colourful and and impressive.


A quiet street just near China Town.

Peaceful Kangaroos in the National Zoo

A quiet and peaceful sunset bay.

The boat to take us back from the Fraser Island.

We have taken many pictures and enjoy them.

beautiful house and family

Hi, there.
This is the first time for sunrays to show in the blog. We have been here studying TESOL for more than two weeks, away from families in Nanjing, China. Australian people are very nice and friendly, and their diverse cultures impress us greatly.
Here are some photos of the homestay life.

Hi, there.
This is Sunrays blog made in QUT classroom in Brisbane, Australia. We have been here studying for 2 weeks, away from families in Nanjing, China. Diverse cultures impresses us a lot. Here are some photos for us to look at.